考虑了使用间歇性冲动力在三维空间中对棍子进行非骚扰操作的问题。目的是在一系列旋转对称的垂直轴对称的配置序列之间兼顾棍子。棍棒的动力学由五个广义坐标和三个控制输入描述。在应用冲动输入的两种连续配置之间,动力学在杂耍者的参考框架中以Poincar \'E映射为方便地表示。通过稳定庞加尔\'e地图上的固定点来实现与所需杂耍运动相关的轨道的稳定化。脉冲控制的Poincar \'e MAP方法用于稳定轨道,数值模拟用于证明与任意初始配置中所需的杂耍运动的收敛。在限制情况下,如果连续旋转对称配置被任意接近,则表明动力学将减少到箍上杆上稳定进动的动力学。
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We introduce Argoverse 2 (AV2) - a collection of three datasets for perception and forecasting research in the self-driving domain. The annotated Sensor Dataset contains 1,000 sequences of multimodal data, encompassing high-resolution imagery from seven ring cameras, and two stereo cameras in addition to lidar point clouds, and 6-DOF map-aligned pose. Sequences contain 3D cuboid annotations for 26 object categories, all of which are sufficiently-sampled to support training and evaluation of 3D perception models. The Lidar Dataset contains 20,000 sequences of unlabeled lidar point clouds and map-aligned pose. This dataset is the largest ever collection of lidar sensor data and supports self-supervised learning and the emerging task of point cloud forecasting. Finally, the Motion Forecasting Dataset contains 250,000 scenarios mined for interesting and challenging interactions between the autonomous vehicle and other actors in each local scene. Models are tasked with the prediction of future motion for "scored actors" in each scenario and are provided with track histories that capture object location, heading, velocity, and category. In all three datasets, each scenario contains its own HD Map with 3D lane and crosswalk geometry - sourced from data captured in six distinct cities. We believe these datasets will support new and existing machine learning research problems in ways that existing datasets do not. All datasets are released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
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Indian e-commerce industry has evolved over the last decade and is expected to grow over the next few years. The focus has now shifted to turnaround time (TAT) due to the emergence of many third-party logistics providers and higher customer expectations. The key consideration for delivery providers is to balance their overall operating costs while meeting the promised TAT to their customers. E-commerce delivery partners operate through a network of facilities whose strategic locations help to run the operations efficiently. In this work, we identify the locations of hubs throughout the country and their corresponding mapping with the distribution centers. The objective is to minimize the total network costs with TAT adherence. We use Genetic Algorithm and leverage business constraints to reduce the solution search space and hence the solution time. The results indicate an improvement of 9.73% in TAT compliance compared with the current scenario.
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With the rising adoption of Machine Learning across the domains like banking, pharmaceutical, ed-tech, etc, it has become utmost important to adopt responsible AI methods to ensure models are not unfairly discriminating against any group. Given the lack of clean training data, generative adversarial techniques are preferred to generate synthetic data with several state-of-the-art architectures readily available across various domains from unstructured data such as text, images to structured datasets modelling fraud detection and many more. These techniques overcome several challenges such as class imbalance, limited training data, restricted access to data due to privacy issues. Existing work focusing on generating fair data either works for a certain GAN architecture or is very difficult to tune across the GANs. In this paper, we propose a pipeline to generate fairer synthetic data independent of the GAN architecture. The proposed paper utilizes a pre-processing algorithm to identify and remove bias inducing samples. In particular, we claim that while generating synthetic data most GANs amplify bias present in the training data but by removing these bias inducing samples, GANs essentially focuses more on real informative samples. Our experimental evaluation on two open-source datasets demonstrates how the proposed pipeline is generating fair data along with improved performance in some cases.
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我们旨在通过引入全面的分布式深度学习(DDL)探索器来解决此问题,该研究人员可以确定DDL在公共云上运行时遭受的各种执行“失速”。我们已经通过扩展先前的工作来估算两种类型的通信失速 - 互连和网络摊位来实现剖面。我们使用Profiler培训流行的DNN模型来表征各种AWS GPU实例,并列出了用户做出明智决定的优势和缺点。我们观察到,较昂贵的GPU实例可能不是所有DNN型号的性能最多,并且AWS可能会在次优的硬件互连资源分配次优。具体而言,与单个实例的培训相比,机内互连可以引入高达90%的DNN培训时间和网络连接的实例的通信开销,而与网络连接的实例可能会遭受高达5倍的速度。此外,我们对DNN宏观特征的影响进行建模,例如层的数量和通信摊位上的梯度数量。最后,我们为用户提出了一个基于衡量的建议模型,以降低DDL的公共云货币成本。
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在本文中,我们展示了一种独特的配方,可以通过将预处理技术融合到深度学习模型中来增强音频机学习方法的有效性。我们的解决方案通过通过训练而不是昂贵的随机搜索来优化超参数来加速培训和推理性能,从而从音频信号中构建可靠的蚊子探测器。此处介绍的实验和结果是MOS C提交ACM 2022挑战的一部分。在未发表的测试集上,我们的结果优于已发布的基线212%。我们认为,这是建立强大的生物声学系统的最好的现实世界中的一个例子之一,该系统在嘈杂的条件下提供可靠的蚊子检测。
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深层伪造的面部伪造引起了严重的社会问题。愿景社区已经提出了几种解决方案,以通过自动化的深层检测系统有效地对待互联网上的错误信息。最近的研究表明,基于面部分析的深度学习模型可以根据受保护的属性区分。对于对DeepFake检测技术的商业采用和大规模推出,对跨性别和种族等人口变化的深层探测器的评估和了解(不存在任何偏见或偏爱)至关重要。由于人口亚组之间的深泡探测器的性能差异会影响贫困子组的数百万人。本文旨在评估跨男性和女性的深泡探测器的公平性。但是,现有的DeepFake数据集未用人口标签注释以促进公平分析。为此,我们用性别标签手动注释了现有的流行DeepFake数据集,并评估了整个性别的当前DeepFake探测器的性能差异。我们对数据集的性别标记版本的分析表明,(a)当前的DeepFake数据集在性别上偏斜了分布,并且(b)通常采用的深层捕获探测器在性别中获得不平等的表现,而男性大多数均优于女性。最后,我们贡献了一个性别平衡和注释的DeepFake数据集GBDF,以减轻性能差异,并促进研究和发展,以朝着公平意识到的深层假探测器。 GBDF数据集可公开可用:https://github.com/aakash4305/gbdf
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管理折扣促销活动(“ Markdown”)是经营电子商务业务的重要组成部分,这里的效率低下可能会严重阻碍零售商的盈利能力。解决此问题的传统方法在很大程度上取决于价格弹性建模。但是,价格弹性建模的部分信息性质,以及保护盈利能力的不可谈判的责任,意味着机器学习从业人员经常必须经过巨大的时间来定义衡量离线模型质量的策略。面对这一点,许多零售商依靠基于规则的方法,因此可以通过机器学习来捕获的盈利能力获得可观的收益。在本文中,我们介绍了两个新颖的端到端降价管理系统,以优化零售商旅程的不同阶段的赌注。第一个系统“ ITHAX”制定了无需估算的理性供应方定价策略,并且可以用作“冷启动”解决方案,以收集降价数据,同时保持收入控制。第二个系统“ Prosotheus”为价格弹性提供了一个完整的降价优化的框架。我们详细描述了特定的建模和验证程序,在我们的经验中,这对于建立在现实世界中稳健性能的系统至关重要。与我们经验丰富的运营团队在受控的在线测试中做出的决策相比,这两种降级系统都具有卓越的盈利能力,相对于手动策略,改善了86%(Promotheus)和79%(ITHAX)。这些系统已被部署以在ASOS.com上管理Markdown,并且可以在各种零售电子商务环境中进行价格优化的价格优化。
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中风康复旨在通过功能运动的重复实践来增加神经塑性,但由于重复不足,对恢复可能具有最小的影响。最佳培训内容和数量目前未知,因为不存在测量它们的实用工具。在这里,我们呈现Primseq,一个管道来分类和计算在笔划康复中培训的功能动作。我们的方法集成了可穿戴传感器来捕获上体运动,深度学习模型来预测运动序列,以及对Tally Motions的算法。训练有素的模型将康复活动分解成组件功能运动,优于竞争性机器学习方法。 Primseq进一步在人类专家的时间和劳动力成本的一小部分中量化了这些动作。我们展示了以前看不见的中风患者的Primseq的能力,这是一系列上肢电机损伤。我们预计这些进步将支持在中风康复中定量给药试验所需的严格测量。
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